See all the opportunities available to connect with CSHA speech and hearing professionals There are many ways for organizations and companies to support the work of CSHA, while also reaching the audiences that are important to their own work. CSHA’s Annual Convention & Exhibition gathers speech-language pathologists, audiologists, SLPAs, students and consumers from California and …[Read More]
Convergence 2020 is headed to Anaheim! In March, thousands of speech-language pathologists (SLPs), audiologists (AuDs), speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs), students and other professionals attending the California Speech Language Hearing Association’s annual convention will encounter an updated event name – CSHA Convergence – and a more immersive environment.
Planning on attending CSHA 2020? Convergence 2020, the CSHA Annual Convention, will be held at the Anaheim Marriott, March 19-22, where nearly 3,000 SLPs, SLPAs, AuDs, students and medical professionals gather to share expertise, learn and connect. It’s the hub for cutting-edge workshops on evidence-based practices and recent advancements in the speech, language and hearing …[Read More]