200 by Two
October 5, 2019

200 by Two

Early Intervention Guide on Communication and Language Development By their second birthday, most children have a vocabulary of about 75-225 words and are beginning to combine words into two- to three-word phrases. While prevalence estimates vary, about 10 percent to 20 percent of 2-year-olds don’t reach this milestone and consequently may experience difficulties learning to …[Read More]

What is a CSHA district?
September 9, 2019

What is a CSHA district?

Want to learn more about the California Speech-Language Hearing Association (CSHA)? In the Q&A series find out about our CSHA districts across the state of California.

Together, we can make the 2s terrific!
August 21, 2019

Together, we can make the 2s terrific!

Learning to Communicate Babies are busy. There’s so much to do those first two years, like crying, smiling, waving, playing. They’re signs a child is learning to communicate. Parents are busy, too, so they need all the help they can get to identify the signs of age-appropriate communication — and what to do if those …[Read More]

California Teacher Credentialing
August 19, 2019

California Teacher Credentialing

Need to find out more information on the status of your teacher’s credential as a California educator. Learn more from our Q&A series on licensing and credentialing.

in FAQs
Take a Look Back at CSHA 2019
August 18, 2019

Take a Look Back at CSHA 2019

Planning on attending CSHA 2020? Convergence 2020, the CSHA Annual Convention, will be held at the Anaheim Marriott, March 19-22, where nearly 3,000 SLPs, SLPAs, AuDs, students and medical professionals gather to share expertise, learn and connect. It’s the hub for cutting-edge workshops on evidence-based practices and recent advancements in the speech, language and hearing …[Read More]

NEWS RELEASE: CSHA releases 200 by Two resource guide
August 1, 2019

NEWS RELEASE: CSHA releases 200 by Two resource guide

The California Speech-Language Hearing Association (CSHA) has released an educational video and supporting online resource guide to help parents, medical professionals, educators and speech-language pathologists evaluate where a child is on the path to age-appropriate language skills and determine if intervention or support is needed.

in News
Verify License
July 18, 2019

Verify License

Need to verify your California SLP, SLPA and/or audiologist license? Learn more from our Q&A series on licensing and credentialing.

in FAQs
Licensure within California
June 15, 2019

Licensure within California

Need to learn more about licensure in the state of California? View our Q&A regarding SLP, SLPA and/or audiologist licensure within California.

in FAQs
Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC)
June 1, 2019

Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC)

Do you have a question about your Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC). Learn more from our Q&A series on certificate of clinical competence.