
Become a Member

Our members are compassionate professionals who make a difference in the lives of their students, patients and clients.

couple working on phones

Join our passionate, professional and empathetic community of thousands of California speech-language pathologists, audiologists, speech-language pathology and audiology support personnel, and students who provide life-changing support to those with speech, hearing and language challenges.

Connect to all the benefits of membership and join colleagues from across the state in professional development, networking and advocacy.

The Importance of CSHA Membership

Joining CSHA means becoming part of a powerful collective voice advocating for SLPs, SLPAs, and AuDs across the state. Together, we have the strength to drive meaningful state-wide changes. CSHA keeps us informed, provides critical advocacy benefits, and tirelessly fights for our professional rights. We are CSHA!

Member Benefits

Members receive special discounts and exclusive benefits at events and on a variety of resources.

Toya Wyatt - CSHA Member and Presenter

Professional Development

Find the latest information on upcoming opportunities and events for top-notch continuing education from CSHA. Furthering your education opens the door to new opportunities and helps fulfill your annual state licensing hours requirements.

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Make those special connections. Whether it’s at the annual convention or in a CSHA Community, connecting with other CSHA members in your district offers an opportunity to connect and share with your peers to solve work-related challenges, recommend vendors and suppliers, and provide information about prospective employers, employees and clients. Networking also helps you keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening in your field directly from your peers. Get started by following CSHA on social media:

Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube

Leadership Opportunities

We’re committed to growing and evolving our membership and volunteer leadership to ensure we represent a strong, vibrant model of diversity and inclusion for the profession and the diverse clients we serve. Learn more about volunteer leadership with CSHA and find out how you can serve the profession and the association by donating your time and expertise.

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California State Capitol Building

Legislative Advocacy

Find out how you can get involved with CSHA to help advocate for smart policy and monitor legislation that could influence the practices of the CSHA community. CSHA’s efforts are focused on legislative and regulatory issues within the State of California, but may include national issues when appropriate and in consultation with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

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Receive special member discounts at events and on a variety of resources, including our annual convention, regional workshops, job ads in the CSHA Career Center and more.

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CSHA Career Center

Career Center

Find the next great opportunity to expand your career! CSHA members have access to a multitude of resources to help identify job opportunities statewide and explore ways to take their careers to the next level. Just another perk of membership!

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News & Publications

Find the next great opportunity to expand your career! CSHA members have access to a multitude of resources to help identify job opportunities statewide and explore ways to take their careers to the next level. Just another perk of membership!

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Exclusive Member Savings

Members enjoy exclusive savings from big brands and local stores, including DoorDash, SeaWorld, Apple, Cost Plus World Market, and hundreds more! Download the Access Perks mobile app to start saving money on the go.

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Career Growth

Student Member Benefits

Member have the opportunity to meet and forge relationships with SLPs and SLPAs who will one day be your colleagues. A lot of members get their first job from meeting the right people at CSHA CSHA Foundation gives out a $1000 student scholarship to several students each year. Only student members are eligible. Student member who are selected as volunteer at Convergence get to attend our state convention for free!

SLPA Member Benefits

CSHA has created a SLPA Advisory Board comprised of our SLPA Representatives and 10 SLPAs from each district across the state. This connection will help identify and combat issues that SLPAs are facing across all regions of California. CSHA hosts numerous SLPA-only events, including a SLPA Panel at this Convergence! Networking opportunities with other professionals.

Professional Member Benefits

Increased participation in crucial grassroots advocacy initiatives, for us! This is our greatest value; the more SLPs in CSHA, the more respect we get when we lobby in Sacramento and at the bargaining table. Increased access to live CEU opportunities with other professionals. Networking opportunities with other professionals.

Member Categories

Professional members must hold a graduate degree with major emphasis in speech-language pathology, audiology, or speech-language and hearing science as described in the standing rules; or a graduate degree and present evidence of active research, interest and performance in the field of human communication.

Paraprofessional (SLPA) members must have met the academic and supervised training requirements set forth by the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board (SLPAHADB) and have been registered by the board as speech-language pathology assistants. Professional members shall have all privileges of the association.

Associate members must be qualified in a related profession who are members in good standing of said profession and who subscribe to the mission of CSHA.

Student members must be persons actively pursuing college or university training in speech and language pathology, audiology, or speech and hearing sciences and who do not qualify for professional membership.

Corporate members are companies, consultancies, nonprofits, and government agencies and institutions that operate both within and outside of the speech language hearing field, and who share a commitment to supporting both the profession and the industry via a recognized membership and engagement in CSHA. Neither Corporate member entities nor their designated individual contacts within those entities have voting rights.

Life Members are persons at least 65 years of age with either 20 continuous years of membership or 25 total years of membership.

NOTE: Associate, student and paraprofessional (SLPAs) members have all privileges of the association except voting and holding office.

Join Now

Join today for access to best practices, research-based knowledge and opportunities to network with like-minded professionals in the speech, hearing and language field.

California Speech Language Hearing Association members are speech-language pathologists, speech-language pathology assistants, audiologists, students and other related professionals throughout California. Our members are compassionate professionals who are dedicated to improving the quality of life of clients, patients and their families.

Annual Membership Dues

The board has decided to keep annual membership rates the same for the 2022-2023 membership year. These 2022-23 membership rates apply to all new memberships and membership renewals that take effect July 1, 2022 or later. Membership rates are updated annually on the first day of CSHA’s fiscal year (July 1).

Professional Dues: $180
Paraprofessional (SLPA) Dues: $95
Associate Dues: $95
Student Dues: $55
Life Dues: $65

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