CSHA statement regarding bodily autonomy
The California Speech Language Hearing Association (CSHA) believes in bodily autonomy for all. Inasmuch as communication is a fundamental element of bodily autonomy, so are decisions involving health and reproductive choice. Denying women the ability to make deeply personal decisions about their health and body violates their fundamental human rights. And make no mistake, reproductive rights are human rights.
We recognize that speaking up about the overturning of Roe v. Wade will evoke a variety of responses and emotions based on each of our own personal experiences and belief, thus CSHA will continue to support and advocate for the freedom of choice for all Californians and beyond.
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CSHA Vision: The vision of CSHA is a world where all people are empowered with the fundamental human right to engage and connect.
CSHA Mission: As California’s expert leaders in communication, cognition, hearing and swallowing, the mission of CSHA is to serve our profession, members, clients and community through evidence-based leadership in professional practice, strategic advocacy, thought leadership and interprofessional collaboration.