Convergence 2020: Planning and Budgeting Tool Kit
Convergence 2020 is fast approaching!
The registration fees and options for Convergence 2020, the CSHA annual convention and exhibition, are now available.
To budget and plan ahead, we’ve created this Convergence 2020 Planning and Budgeting Tool Kit for you to review and share with others, who you’ll want to have attend this premiere event! With over 3,000 SLPs, SLPAs, AuDs, students and medical professionals gathering at Convergence 2020, this experience will be rich with opportunities to learn, share, and connect.
Convention Registration
Registration for Convergence 2020 will open in early January 2020! However, if you register today by purchase order you can register with our early bird rate today! Get your registration in before the end of the year and save. Register by P.O. today!
For online registration, our official Early Bird Registration period will open by January 15, 2020 and run through February 14, 2020!
You can download our registration fees rate sheet to see the registration type and fees in advance of our online registration opening.
Visit Convergence 2020 for more information, including ongoing news and updates.
Plan Your Hotel Stay
Convergence 2020 will be held at the Anaheim Marriott, March 19-22, 2020. Book your stay to attend this premiere convention. Hotel rooms and rates are available exclusively to our convention attendees. Check hotel availability and reserve your hotel stay today!
Note For Exhibitors – Get all the information you need to know in our special Exhibitors section for Convergence 2020. You’ll find regular news and updates designed to get ready for this premiere event.