August 16, 2022 In About CSHA, Convergence, Member Stories, News, Practice Support
Nominations for CSHA board and 2023 honors now open
Serve on the Board of Directors
Now is an important time to serve on the CSHA board as it continues its work of the last few years to build a stronger, more impactful and more inclusive organization with a philosophy of continuous change and improvement. We envision a world where all people are empowered with the fundamental human right to engage and connect, and our work is centered on that cause.
Available seats
The following positions are up for election on the CSHA Board:
- Chair-elect (2023-24) While the chair-elect is a one-year term, the chair-elect automatically assumes the chair role and then the immediate-past-chair role, for a total three-year commitment.
- Secretary/Treasurer (2023-24) One-year term.
- District 1 Director (2023-25) Two-year term.
- District 3 Director (2023-25) Two-year term.
- District 5 Director (2023-25) Two-year term.
- District 7 Director (2023-25) Two-year term.
- District 9 Director (2023-25) Two-year term.
Note that all voting members throughout the state elect the CSHA board chair-elect and the secretary/treasurer. Voting members in each CSHA district elect their respective district director.
Nominations for CSHA board seats open Aug. 15 and are due to the CSHA office (elections@csha.org) no later than 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 15, 2022. Nominations that don’t meet submission requirements, or arrive after the posted deadline, will not be considered out of fairness to others. The deadline will not be extended.
Important resource information
Individuals interested in nominating themselves or others for a seat on the board of directors should review the CSHA Board Governing Policies. In particular, the following policies should be reviewed:
- Board Member and Officer Qualifications, page 9
- Governing Board Role and Shared Responsibilities, page 14
- Board Officer’s Roles and Authorities, page 17
- Board Member Individual Responsibilities, page 20
- Board Nominations and Elections, page 28
- Board Election Campaigning, page 32
- Board Member Code of Conduct Policy, page 43
- Board Member/Leadership Conflict of Interest Policy, page 46
- Board Member Letter of Commitment, page 53
- District Structure, District Director, District Advisory and Honors Committee, page 78
- CSHA Member Code of Conduct, page 85
In addition, please read these key stories and columns that provide context for CSHA’s work.
Additional qualifications
The CSHA board has adopted two Priority Impacts for CSHA’s strategic plan: fiscal sustainability; and diversity, inclusion and culture. Given those two priorities, in addition to the qualifications referenced above (page 9), the board seeks candidates with experience in fundraising and diversity, inclusion and culture.
Board nomination form and submittal information
Please see all the requirements for submitting board candidate nominations on page 29 of the Board Governing Policies and ensure that all materials are included and scanned into a single PDF that is emailed to elections@csha.org by the deadline.
Nominate colleagues and programs for recognition

Honors, 2023 Celebration of Excellence
CSHA has for many years recognized remarkable professionals and programs at both the district and state levels. That tradition will continue in person at Convergence 2023 in Anaheim! Please consider nominating an outstanding colleague or program for our 2023 Celebration of Excellence!
Nominations for honors at both the district and state levels open Aug. 15 and are due to the CSHA office (honors@csha.org) no later than 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 15, 2022. Nominations that don’t meet submission requirements, or arrive after the posted deadline, will not be considered out of fairness to others. The deadline will not be extended.
Honors forms and submittal information
More information about the honors process, including nomination details, is available in the CSHA Board Governing Policies starting on page 146.